domingo, 12 de octubre de 2014

Immigrant Tale - Saturday Night Live

Avui us porto un sketch del programa nord-americà Saturday Night Live, que ja porta més de 35 temporades en antena. Per qui no sàpiga de què estic parlant, Viquipèdia ens pot ajudar: "és un late show nord-americà, emès en viu, que va revolucionar la televisió dels anys 70 amb
la seva combinació d'esquetxos, comèdia, varietat, actors, músics i convidats especials." L'esquetx en concret que he portat és de fa tres temporades i està protagonitzat pel cantant i actor -i moltes altres coses- Justin Timberlake. En aquest vídeo el mateix actor representa -amb un intent d'accent irlandès- el paper del primer avantpassat dels Timberlake que va arribar a terres americanes. Vaig trobar aquest esquetx per casualitat però m'ha semblat que podria acompanyar d'una forma amena la meva recerca sobre el somni americà i el que representava pels immigrants que arribaven buscant oportunitats als Estats Units. En aquest cas Cornelius Timberlake fa conya amb la resta dels immigrants a bord del vaixell sobre el futur del seu besnét. El mateix Timberlake relata la seva vida i parla de les seves cançons: serà un home atractiu, milionari i que serà famós només amb setze per haver començat amb un grup de nois. Millor us deixo el vídeo de YouTube i la transquipció en anglès de l'esquetx aquí sota:

[ Open on black and white footage of a boat sailing next to Ellis Island words at bottom of screen read “New York Harbor, 1883” ] 
Immigrant #1: [with Irish accent] Oh look, Ellis Island! The new world is upon us! I can smell it in me nose! 
Immigrant #2: Just think of it, a chance to start a new life for our children. 
Immigrant #3: And our children’s children. 
Immigrant #4: Why, someday I hope that me own great, great grandson might own his own land. 
Immigrant #2: I hope my great, great grandson will be a doctor. 
Immigrant #1: What about you, Cornelius Timberlake? What do you think your great, great grandson will be like? 
Cornelius Timberlake: Well, I know he’ll be very handsome. And he’ll be a millionaire. 
Immigrant #1: A millionaire? From fur trapping? 
Immigrant #4: From coal? 
Cornelius: No, from popular songs. 
Immigrant #3: What sort of songs could make a man millions? 
Cornelius: Oh I don’t know. Something like [singing] "Cry me a river...
Immigrant #3: So... he’ll be a girl? 
Cornelius: NO, that’s a perfectly normal way for a man to sing! He’ll be world famous by the age of 16. 
Immigrant #2: Oh, by 16? How? 
Cornelius: At a young age, he’ll go to work with a band of boys. 
Immigrant #4: Like a sweatshop? 
Cornelius: Sort of. Sort of like a sweatshop. Then I imagine he’ll branch out on his own. Growing more and more handsome every day. He’ll strut about in tiny vests, thin ties, and outdated hats. 
Immigrant #2: Oh that will look dreadful! 
Cornelius: No, on him it will work! 
Immigrant #4: That will probably frustrate huggar maiden. 
Cornelius: Aye. T’will. I actually dream of a day when my great, great grandson will... bring sexy back. 
Immigrant #1: Bring-bring sexy back, what does that mean? 
Cornelius: It’ll be gone and he’ll bring it back! 
Immigrant #3: Where did it go? 
Cornelius: Just trust me, people will be on board. Okay? 
Immigrant #2: Well it sounds like he’ll have his pick of the ladies. 
Cornelius: Aye. Indeed. I’d like to think that at first, he’ll date a popular female singer. Publicly, they claim to be virgins but, privately, he hit it. 
[audience screams with laughter as Justin glances around, raises his eyebrows, closes his eyes and shakes his head] 

Then-then, he’ll make love with women so beautiful and so often, that it won’t be enough for him, and he’ll, I don’t know maybe try some stuff with guys. I mean he’ll be straight! But, uh, well, never mind, forget that part, everything else will come true but forget that part. His life is going to be a nonstop orgy of fame and money. He’ll sing! He’ll dance! He’ll act! He’ll even make surprise appearances on a Saturday night comedy show! There will be great excitement. And then he’ll appear. Again and again. Many times a year. 
Immigrant #1: Won’t that lessen the excitement, though? 
Cornelius: Nooo!!!! No!! Right? It’ll be good, right?  [a Jewish-looking man walks in] 
Moyshe Samberg: [with Jewish accent] Ohhhh, it will be good! [audience cheers] 

Cornelius: Who are you? 

Moyshe Samberg: My name is Moyshe Samberg. Your prediction has inspired me. Maybe someday my great, great grandson will also make songs. 

Immigrant #2: Well, do you think he’ll have a beautiful voice? 
Moyshe Samberg: Ehhh, he’ll have a voice! A fine, workable voice, you know? It’ll be more about charisma with him. And maybe, in this new land of opportunity, our grandsons will collaborate. 
Cornelius: You know what Jew? 
Moyshe Samberg: THERE IT IS! 
Cornelius: You’re all right. 
Immigrant #1: To the new world! 

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